Welcome to Set Free
Breaking Chains...Finding Freedom
Set Free
Set Free is a Christian based program for men suffering from drug and alcohol addictions through our residential recovery program. We are a Christian, non-profit charitable organization located in Prince George BC. We are complete wrap around recovery program from beinning to end. Helping residents have the greatest success.

Set Free will provide each resident their needs while on their journey of recovery - whether they have funding or not. This gives the resident the time to work through his recovery at his own pace. Our program is a structured program based on biblical principals. To learn to live life on life's terms. To become community orientated and a total life transformation.

Recovery is for a changed future and for your new life. The longer you put into your recovery will produce the stronger outcome. We start with a 90 day committment, 6 months to graduate the program and we will offer long term housing for those who wish to give back to men coming into Set Free Recovery, serving in a leadership role, going to school or who are working a job.

Give Today
Set Free Recovery relies heavily on donations being a non profit charity. Please consider making a one-time or monthly donation to support our work within communities. Helping men get off drugs and alcohol, into our program to become and stay - clean and sober. These men aren't looking for a hand out but we are here to give them a hand up!
Thank you!

Make a donation
Thank you for your support in this vital ministry. Your donation is helping people over come insurmountable addition issues. We take in residents with or without funding. All donation go to help us keep the doors open.
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